(I have a whole bunch of Megabucks numbers in my wallet that I haven't checked yet, and I'm going to have to rack my brains to remember what happened on these days besides buying the tickets!...you'll see this note in every one of the posts whose days I'm trying to mentally reconstruct.)
While being a very dark-colored bird, the starling has a slight rainbow-like irridescence to its feathers. I noted this while a hungry one sat on my empty bird feeder. More seed for them sat just inside the window on the counter, out of reach (at least for the moment) for this particular poor bird.
Here is the Megabucks breakdown for the ticket I bought that day:
my no's. | 02-04-08-16-32-40 |
06/15/05 | 23-24-31-34-36-42 |
I failed miserably, with only one number being one off! However, I took heart in the fact that I asked for a quick-pick, yet got the highly unusual combination of the numbers being double of the one right before it, except for the last one. But note that even the last one is unusual...if you add the third number to the fifth one, you get a sum equal to the last number!