My Massachusetts Lottery Blog

A log that gets a grade of "B" -- thereby creating the word "BLOG" -- describing my quest to win one of the Massachusetts State lottery games.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015


lady slipper flower

I saw this lady slipper at my brother's house a few weeks ago. I haven't seen one in years!

I picked my numbers for tomorrow using again ...

And the winning numbers were: (I'll update this on Thursday) ...

One was only off by one, and 44 was correct! (four is my lucky number).

posted by Alan  # 12:09 PM 0 comments

Monday, July 06, 2015


another stone I want to engrave ...

... but I think I'll have to find a ruby!

The numbers I played for Saturday, the fourth of July, were 3-12-16-33-37-46.

The winning numbers were:

Two of them were only off by one.

posted by Alan  # 9:49 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, July 01, 2015


stone I want to engrave

I have an engraving tool, and the blank stone seen altered in this picture (I used photoshop). I'm going to go out and buy a small vise so I can engrave these words on the stone. Then I will win the lottery...

The numbers I'm going to play today are:


The winning numbers were:

One of my numbers was only off by one in TWO directions.

posted by Alan  # 10:09 AM 0 comments


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