I looked up in the sky, and I saw a witch flying by on a broom ... and, even more strangely, she seemed to be drawn in neon, green colors and rather outlined ...
The numbers I played for Megabucks were --
The winning numbers were:
One number was correct, and three others were only off by one!
the UFO flashed a white laser beam down towards the ground
A UFO tried to zap a replica of a tall ship with a laser beam, but as can be seen from the picture they missed by quite a large margin (the rigging of the tall ship can be seen in the background). It was quite amazing that I just happened to take a picture at the very same moment this very quick burst of light shot down towards the ground.
The numbers I played for Megabucks were:
The winning numbers were:
I got one number right, and another one was only off by one.
I walked for many days, snowshoes on my feet and layers upon layers of coats on my back. Finally, I reached what I was searching for -- Superman's secret cave at the the North Pole. Sadly, Superman was nowhere in sight.
The numbers I played for Megabucks were --
I will check later on tonight to see if I won the jackpot. ----------- It's now later, and the winning numbers were: