My Massachusetts Lottery Blog

A log that gets a grade of "B" -- thereby creating the word "BLOG" -- describing my quest to win one of the Massachusetts State lottery games.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


lovely purple flowers

The sunlight and the shade competed for space on this flowering bush that I took a picture of:


The numbers I played in the New Hampshire State Lottery on March 25th were:

13-20-33-37-46 PB-17

The winning numbers were:

"03/25/2006 20-34-37-39-45 PB 32 PP 4 ROLLOVER"

I do not know how to play this game, but it would appear I did not win. However, I was quite pleased with how close I came!

posted by Alan  # 10:55 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


blazing tulips

These tulips were such a brilliant shade of red that I blinked my eyes to make sure I was seeing them correctly.


The numbers I played for Megabucks on Wednesday, March 22nd were:


The winning numbers were:


posted by Alan  # 10:45 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


kitschy coon

Well, I have gotten way behind in logging my wins and losses in the lottery, so now I'm actually going to be posting some of my spring flower pictures with numbers I played when snow was still on the ground!

Is this garden sculpture art?

I think so. The numbers I played for Megabucks on Wednesday, March 15 were:


The winning numbers were:


I did not win anything, but I was close!

posted by Alan  # 10:55 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


the skyscraper that became a ball point pen

I was looking through the pictures I took in New York City recently and came across this one:


I realized that if I manipulated it a little in a digital photo program, I could probably make it look like a ball point pen.


Well, aside from that, here are the numbers I played for Megabucks (I bought two tickets):


The winning numbers were:


posted by Alan  # 10:45 PM 0 comments

Monday, March 06, 2006

I took this picture of a sculpture of a cow that has the Boston transit system mapped on its body. It's in South Station.

A Picture Share!

The numbers I played for Mega Millions were:

01-02-05-45-49 (31)

The winning numbers were:

02-04-35-36-48 (22)

posted by Alan  # 9:42 PM

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Phantom of the Opera

I saw the play Phantom of the Opera when I was recently in New York City. I thought people would like to see how the outside of the theater looked.


The numbers I played for Megabucks were:


The winning numbers were:


posted by Alan  # 10:45 PM 0 comments


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