I couldn't decide which way to take the picture, so I finally just took it both ways.

The numbers I then played for Megabucks were:
The winning numbers were:
I got one right!
The tree cast a long shadow across the red brick sidewalk.

The numbers I played for Megabucks shortly after this were:
I'll find out what the winning numbers were in just a few minutes.
The winning numbers were:
I got two right!
I took this picture at work with my camera phone.

Recently I have played the following numbers for Megabucks, but failed to enter them in on this blog as soon as I played them:
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
For the Wednesday numbers at least I can tell you if I won or not: I did not. For the winning numbers were:
(but two of the numbers were right and another was only off by one!).
Tomorrow I will add to this post and let anyone who's interested know if I won Saturday's draw.
Here is the addition to the post ... the winning numbers for Saturday, January 21 were:
I didn't win, but two of the numbers were right and another one was only off by one.
Here is a picture of my uncle, who died in World War II.

I played two tickets for Megabucks today -- the numbers were:
The winning numbers were:
Well, out of two tickets at least one number was only off by one!
I was the first one to the train station today for the 1:38, so I took this picture.

Then I played these numbers for Megabucks:
The winning numbers were:
How exciting! I got two numbers right, and two others were only off by one.
I'm going to take a picture of this post right now, and zip the picture in before I publish it to the web.
The numbers I played today were:

It is obvious to the sharp eye that I changed the wording of the post around after I took the picture!
The winning numbers were:
Only one of my numbers was close, instead of the usual "one right, and one off by one!"
Here's a picture of the dollar bill I used to buy my Megabucks ticket tonight. I took the picture with my camera phone while I was standing in line. Unfortunately, the camera part makes a simulated sound like a shutter snapping when the picture is taken. This caused the woman in line in front of me to turn and look at me with a startled expression.

The numbers I played were:
The winning numbers were:
Well, one number was correct and another one was only off by one.
These turkeys were wandering around the neighborhood near my brother's house, shortly after I bought my Megabucks ticket.

The numbers I played were:
The winning numbers were:
Well, FOUR of them were only off by one! All I needed was just a little more luck....