My Massachusetts Lottery Blog

A log that gets a grade of "B" -- thereby creating the word "BLOG" -- describing my quest to win one of the Massachusetts State lottery games.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


old computer monitor

I'm trying without luck to sell this monitor on craigslist --


That's the picture I took of it with my cell phone. Maybe if I had more artistically arranged the setting and used a higher quality camera, someone would have bought it by now. But, the fact is, not one person has contacted me about it!

Then I played Megabucks, with these numbers:


The winning numbers were:


It looks like I did better with Megabucks than I did with my old monitor! Two numbers right and another only off by one is not bad at all.

posted by Alan  # 11:48 PM

Sunday, November 27, 2005


scan of three tickets

The optical character recognition experiment with my lottery tickets failed, so I have decided to just scan them in and post them here:

I did not win anything with the first two tickets, but I still have an hour or so to go before I know if I won the lottery with the last ticket. I will update this post at that time!
Well, OK, now it is early Monday morning (12:11 AM). The winning numbers for Saturday's Megabucks were: 11-13-24-25-30-38, which means two of my numbers were only off by one! However, I did not win anything.

posted by Alan  # 11:11 PM

Saturday, November 26, 2005


optical character recognition fails miserably

I'm going to scan in my lottery tickets and use OCR software to read the text. Here goes...
Oh no, what a mess.

posted by Alan  # 8:44 PM

Saturday, November 19, 2005


spooky picture

I took this photo of a cemetery that's near my house.


I got a free ticket from getting three numbers right on Wednesday, so I got another quick pick for Megabucks tonight:


The winning numbers were:


Hey! I got one number right.

posted by Alan  # 10:49 PM

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Susan B. Anthony

I spent this Susan B. Anthony dollar today on a Megabucks ticket. Note the feet of the woman standing in line ahead of me.

A Picture Share!

The numbers I played were:


The winning numbers were:


Hooray, I got three right...I get a free bet!

posted by Alan  # 5:42 PM

Saturday, November 12, 2005


geese are flying south

I knew these had to be geese, even though they were too far away to tell for sure. However, most of them were flying in semi-V formation, which is why I came to the above conclusion.


I played these numbers for Megabucks today:


The numbers drawn were:


Oh well, I did not win.

posted by Alan  # 10:30 PM

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


fall colors past their peak

I wish I had taken a picture of this bush last week. Then it was a flaming red. Now, the brilliant color is starting to fade.

A Picture Share!

The lottery ticket I bought just before I took this picture had the numbers:


I did not win. Here are the winning numbers:


Well, one number was correct and two others were only off by one.

posted by Alan  # 10:50 PM

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The hewn slabs of stone stood serenely on the grass, casting sharp shadows into the green carpet.


After I saw this event, I went and played these numbers for Megabucks:


Here is the information for the numbers that were actually drawn, copied and pasted from the Massachusetts State Lottery page:

Megabucks 11/05/05 Saturday 5-14-19-25-32-42 None $589,609.

Well, I got one right!

posted by Alan  # 12:28 PM

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I went sightseeing in Salem, and took a picture of this very old house right before I bought my Megabucks ticket.

A Picture Share!

The numbers I played were:


The winning numbers were:

Well, I got one right and two others were only off by one!

posted by Alan  # 10:30 PM

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


albino snake

I saw a man carrying an albino snake around town yesterday. What a shock! I'm glad he did not suggest that I touch it. Rather, I asked if I could take a picture of him with it.


Shortly before seeing this incredible sight, I played these numbers in Cash Winfall:


The winning numbers were:


Well, I got one right...and another was only off by one.

posted by Alan  # 9:33 PM


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