My Massachusetts Lottery Blog

A log that gets a grade of "B" -- thereby creating the word "BLOG" -- describing my quest to win one of the Massachusetts State lottery games.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


lovely flowers

On my way to the liquor store to pick up a quick-pick Megabucks ticket, I spotted a beautiful hibiscus plant. But the stalk with the flowers was right next to someone's open window with a curtain fluttering in the breeze. How could I get away with taking a picture of the flowers, and not be mistaken for taking a picture of the inside of their house?

After I bought this ticket --


I spotted a beautiful yellow lily, and thought, Well, I can at least take a picture of this.

A Picture Share!

However, my path back home took me by the same hibiscus plant that I had shirked from photographing earlier. Getting up my nerve, I took a picture of it, too.

A Picture Share!

By the way, my niece still isn't born yet! But it could be any day now.

The winning numbers were (I got one right, and one other one was only one off):


posted by Alan  # 3:53 PM 0 comments

Monday, July 25, 2005


new addition to the family

I'll soon have a new niece! It could be any day now. I'm very excited about this! So much that I don't care much about the lottery today.

Here are the numbers I played on Saturday, July 23:




Gosh, I really didn't do badly. One number was correct, and one other number was only one off from two of the correct numbers.

posted by Alan  # 7:24 PM 0 comments

Friday, July 15, 2005

A Picture Share!

The picture above is one I took of our local fireworks on the fourth of July. Then, on Wednesday, July 13 I played Megabucks. My numbers were:


The winning numbers were:


Hey! I got two of them right!

posted by Alan  # 8:27 PM 0 comments

Friday, July 08, 2005


car interior towlettes

After buying a lottery ticket, I noticed while driving home that an old containter of car interior "towlettes" was still behind the passenger side seat. I bought them a long time ago. An idea flashed through my head. I've been having trouble motivating myself to do house cleaning. Why not commit to only the amount of house cleaning per day that just one of these towlettes could accomplish? So, at home, I pulled out one of the wet tissues and scrubbed down the edge of counter in front of the microwave. It was quite grubby. By the time I finished, though, it had a shine that looked suspiciously like a car's vinyl interior.

I played these numbers:


The winning numbers were:

Megabucks 07/06/05 Wednesday 12-20-24-25-35-36

Well, I got one number right and another one was only off by one!

posted by Alan  # 11:45 AM 0 comments


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