My Massachusetts Lottery Blog

A log that gets a grade of "B" -- thereby creating the word "BLOG" -- describing my quest to win one of the Massachusetts State lottery games.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005



I went walking out in the driving snow today to purchase a quick-pick Megabucks ticket at the liquor store, and an extra large coffee at Dunkin' Donuts. It was a little hazardous, as the sidewalks still aren't shoveled and I walked for the most part along the side of the road.
The numbers that I hope will win tonight are:
Sadly, I did not win. The winning numbers turned out to be:

Hey, at least I got one right!

posted by Alan  # 6:04 PM 0 comments

cash "winfall" and green peppers

I bought a Cash Winfall ticket on January 17, 2005. Right before I bought it, I went to pick up some green peppers, because I love to slice them up and eat them with just a little salad dressing. Well, what a bunch of picked-over green peppers was on display that day. Most of them had little pinch marks where people had tested the firmness, to see how fresh they were. The numbers for this Cash Winfall ticket were
and the winning numbers were 19-22-24-26-41-46 (wow, I got two of them right!...but -- no cigar).

Then, a week later I bought another Cash Winfall ticket. Right before I bought it, I went back to get some more green peppers. We had just been hit with a snowstorm the day before. I was sad to see there were only a few green peppers left, and they were severely pinched. I went and bought the Cash Winfall ticket...and then I saw someone bringing a cartload of produce over to that section. On the off-chance that peppers might be included, I went back to the pepper section and took a look. Much to my glee, the peppers had already been restocked and I was able to pick out a week's supply!

That Cash Winfall ticket had the numbers
and the winning numbers were 22-23-34-38-39-40. Hey, I got one right!

posted by Alan  # 3:57 PM 0 comments

Sunday, January 09, 2005

01/05/05 3-4-14-21-23-24
I played:

which means:
I didn't win anything ...

posted by Alan  # 7:39 PM 0 comments

Sunday, January 02, 2005

As it turned out, I had to run with all my luggage from North Station to the Fleet Center to catch my train ... and I just barely made it. So I did not get to buy a Megabucks ticket. As it turned out, I would not have won. Here are the winning numbers:
Megabucks 01/01/05 Saturday 3-7-14-16-27-41
I think I'll wait and use the numbers I came up with for this coming Wednesday's Megabucks. As it turns out, Megabucks is definitely my favorite game.

posted by Alan  # 3:04 PM 0 comments

Saturday, January 01, 2005


how I picked tonight's numbers

I'm going to buy a Megabucks ticket for tonight's drawing. I'm going to base the numbers on what I see in front of me right now. OK, I'm traveling today ... at the moment I'm in New York City at a wi-fi hot spot in a Starbucks (which is why I'm online). I see a sign that says "Tracks 13 - 19." So those are two of the numbers. An exit sign is over the doorway in front of me; the word "exit" reminds me of the word "eggs." When I think of eggs I think of a dozen, so the next number I'm going to play is 12. The patent number on the cardboard heat protector around my cup is 5,205,473 -- the only numbers I think I'll pull out of that to play will be 5 and 20. Starbucks has a pamphlet here that says "We'd love to hear your thoughts." There's a number on the bottom of the pamphlet that reads (in small print) SKU#177571. I'm going to pull 17 out of that number. So ...
are my numbers for tonight, when my train gets back into Massachusetts and I can run over to the 7-11 across from North Station.

posted by Alan  # 1:30 PM 0 comments


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